In the period of 2008 - 2010
With the support of The British Embassy
Geographical coverage Assiut Governorate

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Our Impact _Facts and Numbers

No to violence and terrorism

We have carried out an extensive campaign to attack terrorism and extremism, spread peace and renounce violence in three provinces that have witnessed most of the violence and extremism - Sohag, Assiut and Minya. The project and the campaign focused on raising the awareness of young people in Egyptian universities about the dangers of terrorism and extremism and its impact on the local and international levels. We also contributed through direct communication activities in spreading the culture of peace, rejecting violence, accepting others, dialogue and citizenship. The project also reintegrated the children of detainees and their families with the community and spread a culture of peace between them and neighboring families, creating an environment that rejects terrorism to be viable.

During the project period we were able to achieve the following:

• 600 individuals representing 150 families from the families of the detainees have been working with them intensively to reintegrate them into society, spread the culture of citizenship and accept the other and renounce violence and peace among themselves. Events such as "Tolerance Day" were organized to facilitate communication between them and neighboring families in the communities

• 180 young men and women of both sexes from Assiut, Sohag and Menia universities were Worked with them, trained and qualified to play an awareness role in their societies on the dangers of terrorism and extremism and its impact on both domestic and international levels.

• 30 lawyers of both sexes were trained and qualified to provide legal advice to families of prisoners and detainees.

• 30 active members of the community leaders in the targeted governorates were trained to perform their roles in order to advocate and advocate for the rejection of violence and the dissemination of a culture of tolerance and peace and also to play their role in the rehabilitation of families of prisoners and detainees.

• 30 journalists of both sexes were trained to implement neutral media coverage of prisoners and detainees