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Development in Assiut
Assiut Governorate _ Facts and Numbers
The republic level, as there are 221 villages, representing 94%of the total villages in the governorate, among the poorest 1000 village in the republic. And 61.7% of impoverished populations live in the rural areas, which is considered the highest rate among country’s governorates, not only the poverty and poor economic scale is considered the dominated feature of rural population but also there are many manifestations which commonly found at Assiut villages and estates, mainly: illiterate, prevalence of child labor, and prevalence of gender-based violence patterns (early marriage- deprive girls of inheritance- poor women participation in general life- Female Circumcision) in addition to negative customs and traditional legacies.
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More than a third of marriages in rurd areas are under the age of 16
Why do we fight against early marriage?
According to a study conducted by ministry of state for family and population, National Council for Childhood and Motherhood, and united nations population fund to monitor the early marriage manifestation, Assiut governorate is considered one of the most governorates in which early marriage is prevailing.
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Girls in rural upper Egypt, represent 6% of the labour force.
Why do we support microenterprises for women in Assiut?
According to the central bureau of general mobilization and statistics: around 51% of the rural population in upper Egypt suffers from poverty, despite most of them depending on cultivation, but young farmers of landowners has limited access to water of quality and quantity.
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36% of divorced women may expose to physical violence
Why do we support women who are subjected to violence?
One of three Egyptian women were battered by her husband at least once during their marriage. According to population and health survey in 2005 that 7% of women declared that they are battered and most of them suffers in silence do not seek help or reporting.
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Why do we support families of prisoners and detainees?
Families of prisoners and detainees are the most society segments marginalized and disadvantaged in terms of activities and the economic, social and legal aid programs that rendered to them, even though they’re the most needed for this aids.
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Azhar Institute
Civil Society Organization
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